加拿大 IRCC 確認維持優先處理香港人學生和永久居民等申請

2023年7月27日,加拿大移民、難民及公民部(IRCC)的媒體關係及傳訊組負責人 Matt Krupovich 確認,針對香港居民的優先處理政策保持不變。IRCC 將繼續優先處理香港申請人的申請。

" 我們已審查更新後的指示,並確定這是一個錯誤發佈。我們仍然將香港申請人的處理置於優先位置。香港居民應該不用擔心處理時間會有任何變化。

(We have reviewed the updated instructions and determined that they were published in error. We continue to prioritize the processing of Hong Kong applicants. Residents of Hong Kong should not expect any change in the processing times.)"

—— Matthew Krupovich,IRCC 媒體關係及傳訊組負責人

2023年7月24日,IRCC在網站上公佈了一項更新:支持香港居民來加拿大的特殊措施指引(Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada)。然而,該公告已經從IRCC網頁上刪除。原始公告內容如下:


(Sections referring to priority processing for family reunification, students, and permanent residence were removed. As a result, there is no longer priority processing for residents of Hong Kong.)"